Моніторинг проблем та тенденцій розвитку галузі козівництва в Україні

  • V. O. Popova Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія, Харків, Україна
  • Yu. V. Kernasyuk Інститут сільського господарства Степу НААН, Україна
  • V. A. Fediaev Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія, Харків, Україна
  • A. L. Leppa Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія, Харків, Україна
Ключові слова: козівництво, моніторинг, розвиток, тенденції, економічні проблеми, кози, молоко, м'ясо, вовна, шкури, пух


У оглядовій статті наведено моніторинг основних проблем сучасного стану та розвитку козівництва в Україні, виявлено найбільш вагомі перешкоди у виробництві продукції на промисловій основі, визначено тенденції та запропоновано ефективні рішення для подальшого становлення його як конкурентоспроможної та прибуткової галузі тваринництва у ринкових умовах.




Amayi, A.A., Okeno, T.O., Gicheha, M.G., & Kahi, A.K. (2016). Breeding systems for genetic improvement of dairy goats in smallholder production systems in Kenya. Small Ruminant Research, 144, 176-183.

Arnal, M., Robert-Granié, C., & Larroque, H. (2018). Diversity of dairy goat lactation curves in France. Journal of Dairy Science, 101, 11040-11051.

Bett, R.C., Kosgey, I.S., Kahi, A.K., & Peters, K.J. (2009). Realities in breed improvement programmes for dairy goats in East and Central Africa. Small Ruminant Research, 85, 157-160.

Clark, S., & García, M.B.M. (2017). A 100-Year Review: Advances in goat milk research. Journal of Dairy Science, 100, 10026-10044.

Darcana, N.K. (2018). The advantages of goats for future adaptation to Climate Change: A conceptual overview. Small Ruminant Research, 163, 34-38.

Delaney, M.S.C. (2018). Thinking outside the box: Innovative solutions for dairy goat management. Small Ruminant Research, 163, 39-44.

Fatet, A., Pellicer-Rubioa, M.-T., & Leboeufb, B. (2011). Reproductive cycle of goats. Animal Reproduction Science, 124. 211-219.

Haenlein, G.F.W. (2004). Goat milk in human nutrition. Small Ruminant Research, 51, 2155-163.

Hodgkinson, A.J., Wallace, O.A.M., Boggs, I., Broadhurst, M., & Prosser, C.G. (2018). Gastric digestion of cow and goat milk: Impact of infant and young child in vitro digestion conditions. Food Chemistry, 245, 275-281.

Huzieiev, Yu.V., & Vinnychuk, D.T. (2013). Kozivnytstvo - perspektyvna haluz tvarynnytstva Ukrainy. Tavriiskyi naukovyi visnyk, 83, 161-165 (in Ukrainian).

Ivanovic, S., Nesic, K., Pisinov, B., & Pavlovic, I. (2016). The impact of diet on the quality of fresh meat and smoked ham in goat. Small Ruminant Research, 138, 53-59.

Kumar, A., Prince, L.L., & Jose, S. (2017). Sustainable wool production in India. Sustainable Fibres and Textiles: The Textile Institute Book Series, 87-115.

Lu, C.D. (2011). Nutritionally related strategies for organic goat production. Small Ruminant Research, 98, 73-82.

Lu, C.D., Gangyi, X., & Kawas, J.R. (2010). Organic goat production, processing and marketing: Opportunities, challenges and outlook. Small Ruminant Research, 89, 102-109.

Mhlanga, T.T., Mutibvu, T., & Mbiriri, D.T. (2018). Goat flock productivity under smallholder farmer management in Zimbabwe. Small Ruminant Research, 164, 109-109.

Mucha, S., Mrode, R., MacLaren-Lee, I., Coffey, M., & Conington, J. (2015). Estimation of genomic breeding values for milk yield in UK dairy goats. Journal of Dairy Science, 98, 8201-8208.

Mueller, J.P., Ansari-Renani, H.R., Momen, S.M.S., Ehsani, M., Alipour, O., & Rischkowsky, B. (2015). Implementation of a cashmere goat breeding program amongst nomads in Southern Iran. Small Ruminant Research, 129, 69-76.

Nazarenko, Yu.V., Treitiak, Yu.A., & Ivashchenko, A.S. (2018). Vykorystannia kozynoho moloka u kharchuvanni suchasnoi liudyny. Vcheni zapysky TU imeni V. I. Vernadskoho. Seriia: tekhnichni nauky, 29 (68), 116-123 (in Ukrainian).

Pazzola, M., Stocco, G., Dettori, M.L., Bittante, G., & Vacca, G.M. (2019). Effect of goat milk composition on cheesemaking traits and daily cheese production. Journal of Dairy Science, 102(5), 3947–3955.

Pirisi, A., Lauret, A., & Dubeuf, J.P. (2007). Basic and incentive payments for goat and sheep milk in relation to quality. Small Ruminant Research, 68, 167-178. Retrieved from

Pulina, G., Milán, M.J., Lavín, M.P., Theodoridis, A., Morin, E., Capote, J., et al. (2018). Invited review: Current production trends, farm structures, and economics of the dairy sheep and goat sectors. Journal of Dairy Science, 101, 6715-6729.

Ryzhkova, T.M., Bondarenko, T.A., & Kolomytova, V.O. (2012). Ratsіonalne vykorystannia kozynoho moloka-syrovyny, shcho napravliaietsia dlia vyhotovlennia pytnoho moloka ta molochnykh produktіv. Naukovі pratsі [Odeskoi natsіonalnoi akademіi kharchovykh tekhnolohіi], 42 (2), 288-292 (in Ukrainian).

Santos, L.H., Lôbo, A.M.B.O., Facó, O., Gonçalves, H.C., & Lôbo, R.N.B. (2015). Breeding programs for dairy goats generate profits in Brazil. Livestock Science, 178, 27-34.

Serbina, V.S. (2012). Kozivnytstvo - perspektyvna haluz tvarynnytstva Ukrainy. Tvarynnytstvo Ukrainy, 8, 20-23 (in Ukrainian).

Shrestha, J.N.B., & Fahmy, M.H. (2007). Breeding goats for meat production: 3. Selection and breeding strategies. Small Ruminant Research, 67, 113-125.

Silanikove, N., & Koluman (Darcan), N. (2015). Impact of climate change on the dairy industry in temperate zones: Predications on the overall negative impact and on the positive role of dairy goats in adaptation to earth warming. Small Ruminant Research, 123, 27-34.

Skeie, S.B. (2014). Quality aspects of goat milk for cheese production in Norway: A review. Small Ruminant Research, 122, 10-17.

Turkmen, N. (2017). The Nutritional Value and Health Benefits of Goat Milk Components. Nutrients in Dairy and their Implications on Health and Disease, 441-449.

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Vdovychenko, Yu.V., Masliuk, A.M., & Iovenko, V.M. (2014). Tendentsii rozvytku kozivnytstva v sviti ta v Ukraini. Naukovyi visnyk «Askaniia-Nova», 7, 3-18 (in Ukrainian).

Verruck, S., Dantas, A., & Prudencio, E.S. (2019). Functionality of the components from goat’s milk, recent advances for functional dairy products development and its implications on human health. Journal of Functional Foods, 52, 243-257.

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